Get the Best Bitumen Price in India

Get the Best Bitumen Price in India

Bitumen Price in India: An Overview

Bitumen is a highly viscous and black material that is used as a binder in road construction. It is a by-product of crude oil refining and has a wide range of applications including roofing, waterproofing, and insulation. In India, bitumen is widely used for road construction due to its durability and cost-effectiveness. However, the price of bitumen can vary depending on various factors. In this article, we’ll explore the factors that determine the bitumen price in India. You can refer here to read more about latest bitumen price updates.

History of Bitumen Production and Use in India

Bitumen has been used in India for centuries. It was used by the ancient Egyptians to waterproof their tombs and by the ancient Romans to build roads. In the early 20th century, India began to produce bitumen on a commercial scale. Today, India is one of the world’s leading producers of bitumen.

Current Bitumen Prices in India

The current bitumen prices in India vary depending on the grade of bitumen and the location. In general, the prices of bitumen in India have been rising in recent years. This is due to a number of factors, including the rising cost of crude oil, the increasing demand for bitumen, and the limited availability of supply.

Bitumen Price in India

Factors Affecting Bitumen Prices in India

The price of bitumen in India is affected by a number of factors, including:

  • The cost of crude oil: Bitumen is a derivative of crude oil, so the price of bitumen is closely linked to the price of crude oil. When the price of crude oil goes up, the price of bitumen goes up.
  • The demand for bitumen: The demand for bitumen is also a major factor affecting its price. When the demand for bitumen is high, the price goes up. This is because suppliers are able to charge higher prices when there is more demand for their product.
  • The availability of supply: The availability of supply is another factor affecting the price of bitumen. When there is a limited supply of bitumen, the price goes up. This is because suppliers are able to charge higher prices when there is less of their product available.
  • Taxation: The government of India imposes a range of taxes on bitumen, including excise duty, VAT, and customs duty. These taxes can significantly impact the price of bitumen. For instance, if the government increases the excise duty on bitumen, the price of bitumen will also increase.
  • Government policies: The government can also affect the price of bitumen through its policies. For example, if the government imposes a tariff on imported bitumen, the price of bitumen in India will go up.
  • Transportation Costs: Bitumen is typically sold in bulk and is transported to the construction site using tankers. The transportation costs of bitumen can vary depending on the distance between the refinery and the construction site. If the transportation costs are high, the price of bitumen will also be high. Therefore, it is essential to consider the transportation costs when calculating the price of bitumen.

In addition to crude oil prices, demand and supply, transportation costs, and taxation, there are other factors that can influence the bitumen prices in India.

Quality of Bitumen: The quality of bitumen can impact its pricing. The Indian Roads Congress (IRC) has classified bitumen into several grades, including VG-10, VG-30, and VG-40, based on their viscosity. The higher the viscosity, the better the quality of bitumen. High-quality bitumen means better durability, which results in lower maintenance costs and longer life expectancy. Therefore, higher-quality bitumen is priced higher than lower-grade bitumen.

Location of Refineries: The location of refineries also plays a crucial role in determining the price of bitumen. India has several refineries located across the country, and the cost of transporting bitumen from one end of the country to another can be quite high. Therefore, bitumen produced in refineries located in the north-eastern part of the country might cost more than the bitumen produced in refineries located in the western or southern part of the country.

Seasonal Changes: Seasonal changes can also affect the prices of bitumen in India. The construction of roads and highways in India generally takes place between October and March due to favorable weather conditions. During this time, the demand for bitumen rises as the construction activity increases. Therefore, the prices of bitumen may rise during this period.

Exchange Rate Fluctuations: Bitumen is an imported commodity, and the prices of imported bitumen are highly influenced by exchange rate fluctuations. If the Indian Rupee is weak compared to the currency of the country that is exporting bitumen to India, the price of bitumen in India will increase. This is because a weak Indian Rupee will make imports more expensive, leading to an increase in prices.

Future Trends in Bitumen Prices in India

The future trends in bitumen prices in India are uncertain. However, there are a number of factors that could lead to higher bitumen prices in the future. These include:

  • The rising cost of crude oil: The price of crude oil is expected to continue to rise in the future. This is due to a number of factors, including the increasing demand for oil from developing countries and the depletion of oil reserves.
  • The increasing demand for bitumen: The demand for bitumen is also expected to increase in the future. This is due to the growing infrastructure development in India and the increasing demand for bitumen in other countries.
  • The limited availability of supply: The availability of bitumen supply is also expected to be limited in the future. This is due to the increasing demand for bitumen and the limited number of bitumen refineries in India.

One of the biggest trends in India is the shift towards more environment-friendly construction materials. This trend is likely to continue in the future, which might lead to an increase in demand for more sustainable and eco-friendly alternatives. In such a scenario, bitumen could face competition from alternative materials such as concrete and asphalt, which could lead to a decrease in demand for bitumen, and consequently, lead to lower bitumen prices. Another trend that is likely to continue is India’s push towards increased infrastructure spending, which is expected to result in a rise in the demand for bitumen and other construction materials, leading to higher bitumen prices. Furthermore, as India continues to emerge as a significant player in the construction sector, and continues to grow its construction industry, there is likely to be increased demand for bitumen, which will further drive up prices.

Factors Affecting the Bitumen Price in India

How to Get the Best Deal on Bitumen

There are a few things you can do to get the best deal on bitumen:

  • Shop around: Get quotes from different suppliers before you make a purchase.
  • Buy in bulk: If you are buying a large quantity of bitumen, you may be able to get a discount.
  • Consider the quality: Not all bitumen is created equal. Make sure you buy bitumen that is of good quality.
  • Negotiate: If you are not happy with the price, don’t be afraid to negotiate with the supplier.


The price of bitumen in India is affected by a number of factors. The current bitumen prices in India are rising, and this trend is expected to continue in the future. The future trends in bitumen prices in India are uncertain, but there are a number of factors that could lead to higher bitumen prices in the future.

  • The average price of bitumen in India in 2023 is INR 53,432 per ton
  • The demand for bitumen in India is expected to grow by 5% per year in the next five years.
  • The major bitumen consuming states in India are Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, and Uttar Pradesh.

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